Public Lectures
October 2022ZAK World of Facades - BerlinSpeaker
February 2019"Powerskin" Munich Bau Fairspeaker at facade conference
July 2018Chicago: GlassCon Global ConferenceSpeaker
January 2018TU Braunschweig University LectureWill Laufs was invited to lecture at TU Braunschweig University in Germany about our advances in 3D printed connections with structural load-carrying capacity.
July 2016Boston: GlassCon Global ConferenceSpeaker
July 2014Boston: GlassCon Global ConferenceSpeaker
April 2014New York City: Facades Plus ConferenceModerator, materials panel
August 2013Pelli Clarke Pelli ArchitectsInnovative molded facades
April 2013Harvard Graduate School of DesignStructural typologies
October 2012Chicago: FACADE + INNOVATIONhttp://facade.archpaper.com/chi2012/
Engineering Course
Will Laufs teaches a course titled “The Buckling of Structures” to Engineering Masters students at Columbia University, the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Course Outline
CIEN E4213 — Buckling of Structures
- Introduction of Buckling
- Euler Cases – part 1 (Beams)
- Euler Cases – part 2 (Frames)
- Euler Cases – part 3 (Wired Systems)
- Stability Theory for Structures
Engineering for Architects
Architectural Technology 3 — Advanced Structures
Each fall Will Laufs teaches a course titled “Advanced Structures” to Architecture Masters students at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. The course is outlined below.
Course Outline
A4113 — Architectural Technology III
- Introduction to Advanced Structures
- Loading, Force Flow
- Stresses, Deflections
- Bending – Beam, Slab, Cantilever
- Vertical Elements – Columns, Walls, Foundation
- Lateral Systems – Bracing, Frame, Diaphragm
- Folding
- Formfinding – Membranes, Fabric Structures
- Pneumatic Bubbles
- Cables, Tensegrity Systems
- Shell Structures, Arches, Domes
SPINS | Structurally Printed Insulating Nodes System
Most building façades require metal parts to hold structural loads on the outside, so they transfer too much summer heat or winter loss, known as problematic “thermal bridging”. We aim to use innovative highly insulating structural 3D printed parts instead, with much-reduced CO2 footprint! High-strength integrated Carbon/Kevlar/Glass fibers give free-form pieces provide high-durability and long-term strength. The parts are directly designed via BIM modeling & Digital Fabrication approach.
We want to reduce energy loss due to building facades caused by thermal bridges, usually made of metals with high thermal conductivity (50 W/mK for steel and 250 W/mK for aluminum). Metal details with high-strength capacity are currently used to transfer forces from outside to inside, also metals can be machined to fit complex façade geometries, but this construction method must be improved.
Conventional plastics have much lower, beneficial thermal conductivity (<1 W/mK), however such materials were not strong & durable enough over time to carry building elements such as balconies, shading, rain-screen and other load (wind & snow) in the past.
Recently, 3D structural printing has become market-ready, where the printer is BIM-fed any 3D geometry file that now also is reinforced with strong durable fibers (carbon/glass/kevlar fibers). We own such printers in Berlin and New York and have started to perform promising systematic load tests at HTW Berlin already. We want to 3D-print thermal bridging façade parts!
Biomimicry – Adaptive Dome Grid-Shell Structure
Laufs, W.: ‘Engineering für den Markt USA – gebaute Fallbeispiele’; 13th façade conference Fassade13, Augsburg/Germany 2017
Laufs, W., Cersosimo, A.: ‘Expansion of Spacial Realities – Digital Fabrication Built in the US’; IASS Conference Interfaces – architecture.engineering.science; Hamburg/Germany 2017
Laufs, W., Nefedov, A.: Jumbo- Size Glazing Engineered – Recent Projects in New York City; (continued) conference paper GlassConGlobal, Boston 2016
Laufs, W.: ‘Recent structural façade innovations – US case studies’; What’s Next Conference – Competence Center Façade and Metal Engineering of the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Lucerne/Switzerland 2016
Laufs, W.: ‘Innovative Building Skins Engineered – Recent Project Examples in the US’, 11th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, Bern/Switzerland 2016
Laufs, W., Desarzens, P.: ‘Ductal-Fassade Louis Vuitton in Aventura/Florida’, Zeitschrift fur den gesamten Ingenierubau, Bautechnik, 03, 2014
Laufs, W., Linares, N.: Recent US Innovative Glass Projects; GlassCon Global; conference proceedings, 07/2014
Laufs, W., Linares, N.: ‘Dünnwandige Freiformstrukturen – The Return of the Rivet, Parametrisch formulierte Metalloberflächen, Stahlbau, 12, 2014
Laufs, W.: Reviewer for Tensile Fabric Structures – Design, Analysis, and Construction; Task Committee on Tensioned Fabric Structures of the Special Structures Committee of the Metals Committee of the Technical Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Laufs, W., Verboon, E., “Innovative Facade Design and Products” In Curtain Wall Systems, A Primer, edited by Ali M. Memari, 154–194. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013.
Laufs, W., ‘Applied Research Anyone – What We Can Learn From the German System of Engineering Education’; 2013 (in publication)
Laufs, W., Verboon, E.: Chapter in book publication ‘New Developments in Façade Design’; Penn State University, 2011 (in publication)
Laufs, W., Vilkner, G.: Gekruemmte Glasflaechen – Zusammenspiel von Geometrie und Glasdetaillierung, Stahlbau Sonderheft Konstruktiver Glasbau, Germany, Ernst & Sohn, 2010
Laufs, W.: Kaltgebogene Freiformflaechen; Conference Glasbau; Proceedings; Dresden; 2010
Laufs, W.: Visions Engineered – Freeform meets Form-finding; Smart Geometry Conference, Barcelona; 2010
Laufs, W.: Interview in Architectural Record Magazine, Article “Shattering Myths about Glass”, May 2010
Laufs, W., Vilkner, G.: Transparent Glazing for Free-form Building Skin – Parametric Modeling meets curved Glazing Engineering; AEC Conference PennState Uni, Pennsylvania; June 2010
Laufs, W., Luessi, W.: Glass Roof for Hurlingham Gentlemen’s Club in London. Stahlbau Spezial, Konstruktiver Glasbau, Wiley & Son, April 2009
Laufs, W.: ‘Archineering’ Trends for Tensioned Fabric Structures; Proceedings ASCE Conference, Austin/Texas, May 2009
Laufs, W.: ‘Parametric Manipulation of Metallic Tent Surfaces – Example Highpoint Sail Hippie- Teepee Woodstock’; Textile Roofs 14th Int. Workshop, Proceedings CD, Berlin, Germany, 2009